Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cultural Jamming

Oct /15

"Everywhere the fabricated, the inauthentic and the theatrical have gradually driven out the natural, the genuine and the spontaneous until there is no distinction between real life and stagecraft." When reading this article, this quote mainly stood out to me because I strongly believe that it is in fact true.
Is what we see in the news reliable? are realty shows, truthful? or is everything that is seen by the eye being fabricated to pull in more audiences? I started to think about the news and what I see and read about the feature story in the news, the story may be truthful but it could also be exaggerated.
I was watching the news as well as the realty show "The Hills" today and I forced myself to listen and look carefully at what is being provided. I believe that the media presents what they assume would be more appealing to the audience. No one wants to hear that an teenage boy died, instead as readers/ watchers we find it more intriguing if the boy could of been in a gang and had a trouble family.
This bring me back to thinking of the quote I heard from my friend: "don't trust what you see because you did not see what was done before u open your eyes, don't believe what you hear because you do not know what was said after you left" (something like that)
We can't trust because we don't know

Dery, Mark. "Culture Jammin: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs." The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium. 2 Nov. 2007 .

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