Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Not goodbye, just see you later...

Wednesday, November 28/ 2007, today is officially the last day of class but not the last time I choose to see Mark and hopefully Ian as well. When Mark announced that there was a final exam I felt as if my heart literally stopped, I felt unprepared for what Mark was "scheming". I must admit that I found it interesting as well as thoughtful for Mark to asked our to mark the class itself and the process of the course, knowing that Mark and Ian will take what we have to say into consideration shows a sense of respect for me and the other students.
When I was forced to give myself a mark for this course I truly believed that I deserved and wanted a 70%; I must admit that I am not the best writers in the classroom but I know that the effort that I put into my blog shows more about the person that I am than the writer in me. During the past three months I feel as if I grown as a writer as well as a person who is excited with the field media.
Remembering back to when I first enter this course I was afraid of the professor and course load but after meeting Mark and allowing him to show me the world of media through his eyes; it gives me a sense of courage.
I know this is the end of AHSS 1060 - Mass Communication, but I hope it is not the end of my journey of knowledge in the next four years.
I am sad to end this course but ready for the future.

Constant Bannister, "Baby Frowining", Jupiter Images "" Nov 2007


I. Reilly said...

This is acceptable work! Your blog demonstrates a generally adequate grasp of the subject matter and a moderate ability to examine the material in a critical and constructive manner. Your writing displays an adequate understanding of the relevant issues, and a general familiarity with the appropriate literature and techniques.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Estabilizador e Nobreak, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

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